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Jesmond Student News

FOI request finds how much North East councils earn from car parking penalties – Spark Sunderland

FOI request finds how much North East councils earn from car parking penaltiesSpark SunderlandAlex Whitehead, 22, an engineering apprentice from Newcastle has received a £70 PCN when parking on a council owned residential street situated in West Jesmond. He said: “After searching the area for a spot to park, I could not find anywhere that…

#DrummondPuddleWatch: Our reporter on the real ‘Geordie Shore’ at Jesmond – ChronicleLive

ChronicleLiveGingerly, the student sizes up the options, perhaps grasps the rail. (The anticipation builds). Safe passage? Or an unexpected splash, and a satisfied audience? Such is the illicit thrill of Drummond Puddle Watch. Nobody – disappointingly – fell in, if …20000 internet users watched a Periscope live stream of people trying to cross …Daily MailWater…

Going the distance – FE Week

FE WeekShe grew up just outside Newcastle in a village called Jesmond with parents Douglas and Joan, and younger sister Caroline. Her dad ran a local furniture store, which he and his brothers had … “So on a personal level I really empathise with the … …read more